DJ Sparksfly
* Postpunk * NewRomantic * Dark80s * NDW * Minimal
* New-/Cold-/Dark-Wave * Gothrock * Artverwandtes & Skurilles ...
Elektronische Schlacht
Tanzhaus West
Aesthetic Perfection - The Violence
Cephalgy - Tiefer
Northborne - Watt (Say watt version)
Anders Manga - The Shrunken head
The Synthetic Dream Foundation - Eine schöne Ruine
DYM - Life sized
Massiv in Mensch - Never trust the outline
Retractor - Annihilation
C-Lekktor - We are all ready death
FGFC820 - Vengeance
Amduscia - What
Alien Vampires - You´´ll all die
Das Präparat
EID - Es Lebe Elektro (Club Version)
All The Ashes - Schwarz Macht Schlank
X-Tractor - Genickschuss
Feindflug - Stukas im Visier
And One - Military Fashion Show (Club Version)
Frozen Plasma - Tanz die Revolution
Nachtmahr - Katharsis (SAM Remix)
Psytechz - Bull Fucking Shit (Phosgore Remix)
Psytechz - Dark Tech Twins
SILIZIUM - Schlampe
Armageddon Dildos - In my mind
Psychopomps - Drunk City
Pouppee Fabrik - Betrayel
Klutae - fuck a billy
Spetsnaz - Faustpack
The invincible spirit - push
Armageddon Dildos - everyday is like sunday
Front 242 - Headhunter V1.0
Nitzer ebb - Lightning man
Faderhead - tzdv
Combichrist - sent to destroy
X-Rx - Die Sexualkiste der Hölle
Das Präparat
Nachtmahr - Schwarzflug (Noisuf-X Remix)
Fabrik C - T1NoMo (G1 Mix)
SAM - Hardbeat Trauma
Centhrom - Gasman
The Retrosic - Bomb
SILIZIUM - Rennen, Kämpfen und Fallen
Die Form - Bite of god
Front 242 - Der verfluchte Engel
Klinik - Moving hands
X-Marks the pedwalk - Abattoir
Informatics - proximity switch
invisible limts - devil dance
and one - steine sind steine
kiew - diskette (dd version)
Das Präparat
Faderhead - Dirty Girls, Dirty Boys (Elektro For The Masses Mix)
Eisenfunk - Schussverletzung
Andromeda 5 - Fleisch und Blut
Aggressionslevel 4.0 - Sektor One
EID - Sehr Toedlich
Oomph! - Labyrinth (Agonoize Remix)
Modulate - Das Bunker
Straftanz - Tanzt Kaputt Was Euch Kaputt Macht
Schwefelgelb - My Pornoshow
covenant - figurehead
vnv nation - Honour 2003
Xpq-21 - white and alive
industriegebiet - sex mit einer leiche
furton - Gebäudebrand
Das Präparat
vnv nation - Electronaut
Auto Aggression - Blau
Frozen Plasma - Betrayed (Iris Remix)
SILIZIUM - Love Also Means Forgiveness
Solitary Experiments - Delight
vnv nation - Epicentre
Ueberschall - Liquid Night
Modulate - No Good
Das Ich - Kannibale (Eisenfunk Remix)
The Eternal Afflict - Suicide of Mankind
Die Krupps - Der Amboss (feat. Client)
Viper XXL - Hardtechno Anthem
Xotox - (Xo)toxic
Front 242 - Happiness (live)
skinny puppy - worlocked
Nitzer ebb - shame
the retrosic - revolution
liasions dangereuses - los ninos del parque
kraftwerk - das modell
captain future - theme song
2.nd Floor
* = wunsch
klangstabil – you may start
antigen shift – the way of the north
polarlicht 4.1 – black virus (neu)
empusae – seygot
monolith – the wisdom of the prophet
sonar – remote assault
last days of s.e.x. – amphisexual hypersonic mayhem
the peoples republic of europe – shake that booty
w.a.s.t.e. – terrorists don’t do drugs
alter der ruine – k.i.a.
dazzling malicious – hellwhores in high heels
p.a.l. – k-schwarz *
manufactura – killing you (vuxnut remix)
orphx – black box
greyhound – black planet
xotox – winterblut
kiew – synapsenbrecher
soman – divine (modulate remix)
terrorfakt – m15
noise.filter – schußverletzung (neu)
greyhound – halucination
xentrifuge – downcast
proyecto mirage – discipline
unterart – der morgen
converter – coma (tik remix)
terrorfakt – the fine art of killing yourself
endif – crack pipe
stahlschlag – akute netzstörung
point 45 – luger
architect – vectorize (maschinenfest mix)
kiew – tunnel*
xotox – ewig
converter – blast furnace
winterkälte – pops
mono no aware – saigai
100blumen – hardy plant
heimstatt yipotash – google ate my startup
th industry – das verhör
p.a.l. – little cloudy fluff
sonar – consume
maschinenkrieger vs. drisraptor – distortion strom
polarlicht 4.1. – destroyed india
haujobb – world window
dawn of ashes – blade in the dark
dunkelwerk – ungetüm
endif vs. replogen – last tribe
alter der ruine – state of ruin
skoyz – distress signal
acylum – rape
32 crash – lone ranger (c-drone defect remix)
suicide commando – murder
blind vision – ddf *
destroid – bullet in your head
revoice – devotion to apesia