DJ Sparksfly
* Postpunk * NewRomantic * Dark80s * NDW * Minimal
* New-/Cold-/Dark-Wave * Gothrock * Artverwandtes & Skurilles ...
Elektronische Schlacht
Tanzhaus West
Elektrotechnischer Betriebsraum
Total Recall Theme (Opener)
Glis –Death Set
Distorted Memory – God wrath
I:Scintilla –Havestar
Suicide Commando – Bleed for us all
Necrotek – Spectre
Apoptygma Berzerk – Eclipse
Colony 5 – Heart Attack
Combichrist - Can´t change the beat
Faderhead - Aquire the fire
Komor Kommando - Love your neighbour
Noisex - Bewegung (Das Bunker Movement)
Nurzery Rhymes - Sick little bitch
Suicide Commando - Comatose delusion (Hocico Remix)
S.A.M. - Therapie
IC434 - Bacteriate
Pzychobitch - Maschinerie *
Orange Sector - Dynamit *
DAF - Als wär´s das letzte mal
And One- Teufel oder Engel
Nitzer Ebb - Warsaw Ghetto
Armageddon Dildos - East West (Dildo Effect Mix)
Front 242 - Moldavia (live)
Die Krupps feat. Client - Der Amboss
Spark – Den Sjunde Vägen
Ionic Vision – Deceit
Welle:Erdball – Starfighter F-104G
Spock – Never trust a klingon
VNV Nation - Further
Void Kampf – Electric Body Jesus
Causic – Digital May
Winterstahl – Self Deception
VNV Nation - Kingdom
Covenant - Ritual Noise (Terence Fixmer Remix)
Absurd Minds - Deception (E-Craft Mix)
Assemblage 23 - Binary (Club Mix)
Frozen Plasma - Warmongers (EP Version)
Neuroticfish - Skin (Binary 2002)
Rotersand - Electronic World Transmission (SITD Reconstruction)
This Morn Omina - One Eyed Man (Album Mix) *
Soman - Divine *
Combichrist - Electrohead *
X-Rx - Die Sexualkiste der Hölle *
Faderhead - TZDV
Muscle & Hate - Let your body learn
Spetsnaz - Formation
Dupont - Behave *
The Klinik - Black leather
Solitary Experiments - Delight
VNV Nation - Fearless *
Rotersand - Exterminate Annihilate Destroy *
FGFC820 - Society *
SITD - Laughingstock (Album Version)
Wynardtage - Sterbehilfe 2008 *
Feindflug - AK47 *
Acylum – Rape
FGFC820 – neuer Song (wird noch geklärt welcher es war)
Mnemonic – Humiliation
Soman – Ruler
Noisuf X - Jezebel
Modulate – Das Bunker
Sebastian Komor – Das Oontz
Fabrik C - 100% Elektronik *
VNV Nation - Beloved *
Melotron -Brüder *
Project Pitchfork - Timekiller *
The Cure - Lullaby
Captain Future Theme
Industrieller Betriebsraum
Eva 3 - Attraction repulsion
Uberbyte - Better than you
Fabrik C - Das Spiel
Detune-X - Neisseria
Adam-X - Chaos / Mayhem (Sonar RMX)
Empusae - Nilfheim (Godlike)
Noise And Zilenth - Desarme Post
Monokrom - 1610
100 Blumen - !
Exocet - South End (Colombine Connection RMX by Manufactura)
Suicide Commando - Murder
Wumpscut - War
Agonised by love - after dark she came
velvet acid christ - malfunction
fabrikC - fehlfunktion
hysteresis - zen
orphx - pre dawn haze
manufactura - killing you
hypnoskull - oh my god you saved my life
synapscape - i know you know
last days of sex - yoghurt sex and your local goverment
greyhound - scare
maschinenkrieger kr52 vs.disraptor - first of all
Converter - Coma
Animassacre - Evolve
Larva - Ojos Secos
C-Lekktor - Refusing The Paradise
Endif - Gritscape
Stahlfrequenz - access denied
Wumpscut - Womb (miserable day mix) *
Stahlschlag - Kollateralschaden
Autoclav 1.1 - Hollow Point (Terrorfakt RMX)
Acylum - Glock 17
The Peoples Republic of Europe - Lubrication
terrorfakt - stormbreaker
sonar - consume
dazzling malicious - psychoanalyse
polarlicht 4.1 - planetenjäger V.02
Converter - dim (live)
asche - in hell
xebox - mekanosaurus
imminent starvation - lost highway 45
centyl - fifth metacarpal
Point 45 - Luger
Haus Arafna - Holocaust
sektion b - the world is on fire
1979 - stromschlag
rd - exitus
winterkälte - the fate of the forest
The Peoples Republic of Europe - Monopoly of violence
W.A.S.T.E. - Omega 3
Endif - Crack Pipe
Soman - 80-20 (Mail RMX)
Animassacre - Noise of Doom
TH Industry - Das Verhör
Dazzling Malicious - Hell, Whores High Heels
A7IE - Messiah
Psyclon Nine - Slaughter
Nachtmahr - Boom Boom Boom
Eisenfunk - Duck and Cover (Extended RMX)
Feindflug - Ätherkrieg *
punch inc - survive
proyecto mirage - discipline
Alter der Ruine - K.I.A.
combichrist - god warrior
feindflug - tötungsmaschine mensch
mimetic - the ethnical years
twinkle - le dernier vivant
ah cama-sotz - armitangosh
architect - catch the target
klangstabil - math and emotion
mentallo and the fixer - scum of the earth
and one - high
neuroticfish - War